PS Kingswear Castle – A Personal Tribute


Help fund KC’s major rebuild by buying a copy of this popular book written by John Megoran, her manager and captain for near 30 years.

All profits from sales of the book through Paddle Wheels and the Paddle Steamer Kingswear Castle Trust will be donated to the Rebuild Appeal.

Includes FREE postage to UK addresses.



John Megoran was born in Weymouth and grew up watching the last days of Cosens’s paddle steamers in the 1960s. He returned Kingswear Castle to service in 1985 and for nearly 30 years ran the business on the Medway and Thames as well as sailing as her principal captain.

In this book John recounts the trials and tribulations of operating a paddle steamer on the Medway and the Thames. 96 pages in length, containing more than 170 pictures, most of them in full colour, the book tells KC’s story from her early life on the River Dart, through her operational years on the River Medway and on to her return to the Dart in 2012 all told through the eyes of the man at the centre of her operation since the 1980s.

All profits from sales of the book through Paddle Wheels and the Paddle Steamer Kingswear Castle Trust will be donated to the Rebuild Appeal.

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